Thursday, October 16, 2008

Last Exercise Class

On Monday we finished our last FunFit class, and Jesse came along to join in the fun. Here are some of the highlights:
On the parachute playing with the balls while the parents swing the kids around in a circle.

Picking out an instrument to play during the song, "Rockin' Robin." Hadley has managed to get the largest instrument every time.

See what I mean?

And here are a few videos showing Hadley in action:

This is my favorite part of class. The kids all get on one side of the gym, and the teacher says, "1, 2, 3" and everyone runs to the other side. Watch Hadley count:

Here's one more because I think it's so cute:

Here is Hadley singing "The Itsy Bitsy Spider" next to Miss Piggy:

And here's one more of Hadley dancing with her drum:

After words the three of us got a little snack at Starbucks, and walked over to a park in the Kentlands to play for a bit.


Unknown said...

aw, this reminds me of gym class in elementary school. the parachute was my favorite! especially lifting it up and running under.

Katie said...

Very cute. I love the counting.

And Miss Piggy? Please. You look like you're barely 5 months, instead of what - a week from due? When are you due, anyway?

starbird said...

Miss Piggy? Puhhhleeeze.

I love how her 'drum' matches my favourite jumpsuit!!!