Sunday, November 16, 2008

H Squared

Most of the readers of this blog know that we have an addition to our fine family (pun intended) but I thought that it was time to make it "blogficial" (that's a blogging term for official; I made it up just now). Harper Anne Feyen was born on Sunday November 9 at 10:52am. She weighed 8 pounds, 6 ounces and was 21 inches long. Not the giant that her sister was at 9 pounds 10 ounces, but an impressive size all the same.

Here are the proud parents admiring our beauty after the whole ordeal. Harper decided to begin her journey into this world just as the Notre Dame game was ending and Jesse was getting ready for bed. This was right around midnight, and despite the inconvenient time I will note that driving on the Beltway while in labor in the middle of the night is MUCH less stressful then driving it in rush hour traffic. I thought that was quite considerate of Harper to keep that in mind.

I don't have many anecdotes to share about Harper quite yet, so I'll put up some more pictures. I will write that we've learned she hates having her diaper changed. She lets us know how much she hates it by screaming bloody murder at the top of her lungs. This makes the process quite enjoyable for all involved.

Here's a shot of the Big Sister. Hadley is telling Harper about the importance of going to the right college as well as matching one's socks to one's sweatshirt. I think Harper took the talk quite seriously.

Here's a shot with Harper's eyes open. We can't tell if they will be brown or blue yet.

And here's a picture of Hadley's latest trick. She swings from side to side while hanging on the doorknobs of her bedroom. I was quite impressed with this latest accomplishment, and had to refrain myself from telling her that if she used her feet to push herself away from each wall she'd really get a good side to side motion going.


Valerie said...

Way too cute!!! Congratulations and may God bless you and your new little one!

starbird said...


Dawn said...

I'm so happy for you! Now you get to use all those cute girl outfits again. I hope you're getting some sleep!

Mink said...

congratulations. can't wait to hear more about the entire story of her arrival... i'm proud of you, mama!

Katie said...

Thanks for the pics. Erin has the same socks Hadley is wearing, but she never leaves them on.