Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Trip to Raleigh

Jesse had some work to do in North Carolina, so the girls and I tagged along with him so we could visit Uncle Geoff and see what's new in Raleigh. Here are a few pictures:

We went to a place for lunch called "The Q Shack." Harper enjoyed munching on a hush puppy.

And if this isn't the face of a budding adolescent, I'm not sure what is.
Hadley's looking over her sweet potatoes and is about to say, "These don't look like the ones we have at home." She did try them, however. They were a little too stringy for her liking. Plus, there was a chocolate chip cookie on the plate so there was really no contest. Hadley would take a bite of her meal, all the while touching the cookie, and looking at me for the OK to devour it.

We went to some great parks as well. This is the first time that I didn't find myself having to go on all the equipment as Hadley to make sure she didn't fall. She has become quite good at climbing, sliding, etc. She still doesn't like the swings, but that's OK. Harper loved the park, too. This was one of the first times she didn't sit in the stroller and watch as Hadley played. It is going to be an interesting spring when I try to take Hadley and Harper out to the park this year.

Geoff showed us around the area, and it is a great city. The downtown is really interesting and had lots of cool looking restaurants and shops. We ate at a brewery one night that had an area that overlooked downtown Raleigh.

In this picture, Uncle Geoff is helping Hadley write a very important text to Aunt Kellee (Kellee's gone from "Uncle Geoff's friend Kellee" to "Uncle Geoff's Kellee" to "soon to be Aunt Kellee" to "Aunt Kellee"). I believe she wrote, "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz." I'm sure Kellee will know what it means.

And Harper likes to play with my wallet, so she was busy doing that.
Yes, it really is Harper - not Kevin Bacon's son.

Hadley realized Harper was playing with a wallet, so she convinced Geoff to let her play with his wallet. Here she is checking out his credit cards. I think Geoff was only a little bit nervous about the potential there.
Fun was had by all - we had a great trip.

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