Thursday, October 11, 2007

Lose Yourself in the Music

Today was "Lap Sit and Ryhme Time" at the library. Hadley as always, had a great time, although she'd prefer to sit in the CENTER of the circle instead of on mommy's lap. Here she is getting ready to perform:
Note how close the other babies are to their mothers. About two minutes after I took this picture, the storytime lady got the musical eggs out and Hadley lost her mind. She was so excited. The lady put the music on and Hadley shook her egg with one hand, and waved the other one up and down. Some other moms starting chanting "Go Hadley! Go Hadley!" I wanted to take a picture, but I was laughing so hard I couldn't hold the camera. My girl is not shy, and she loves music. I wonder what would've happened if the lady had any Justin Timberlake...
Here is Hadley after her performance:
Hadley also made a few friends this morning once she realized that it was OK to share the eggs with other friendly babies. After the storytime was over, the lady said we could hang out for a bit so Hadley went directly to the basket of eggs. Several mothers commented on Hadley's "organizational skills" because she would take each egg out of the basket and line them up nice and straight. Here are some pictures of her playing with some friends:

She must have worn herself out at the library today because she's been asleep now for over two hours!

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