Sunday, December 5, 2010

While You Were Out

Dear Jesse-

The first thing Hadley said when she woke up this morning is, "Daddy's coming home today!"  I told her that was right and that we were going to pick you up at the airport.  She wanted to know why you couldn't just land "on the blacktop."  So we had a long conversation about where planes can and cannot land. 

Your absense was noticed this week, not just by me, but by the girls as well.  Harper was quite confused when she woke up in the middle of the night, and it was me who came in to calm her back down.  She heard my voice and jerked her head up and looked at me like, "You aren't the one who usually comes in to do this.  Where's Daddy?"  And Hadley had several tips for me about how to give her and Harper correct baths. 

But we had ourselves some fun this week while you were talking hurricanes in Miami.  We did some decorating for Christmas.

Hadley is very excited about Santa Claus.  Despite our efforts to not make him into a big deal, he has stolen her heart, and she is smitten.  She is studying all the books on Santa and what he does.  She has decided we need to have milk and cookies for him.  We need a tree in the MIDDLE of the living room, and our fireplace should be easily accessible for him to enter and leave.  Hadley has also insisted we sing several rounds of "Santa Claus is coming to town" every day.  I don't understand why this song does not absolutely freak her out.  "He sees you when you're sleeping.  He knows when you're awake."  I get the willies singing it. 

We are reading the Christmas story books, too, but Hadley's comment on Jesus is this: "When does Jesus not be a baby anymore?  When is Jesus a big boy?"    I think I'll let you deal with the Jesus vs. Santa thing.  I took care of the Herod issue.

I am happy to report that there were no trips to the ER this time around.  And actually, we were all healthy for the first time, too.  Usually when you go on a trip somebody gets sick, but the only thing that needs fixing is our kitchen light.
It burned out on Wednesday, and I can't change it.  I'm a woman of many skills, Jesse, but I can't change a light bulb.  I believe it's my only flaw.

It seems winter has arrived in DC, so I thought it would be appropriate to get some winter gear for the girls. You know how we are having a problem with Harper only wanting to wear her pink shoes?  And do you remember suggesting that I take her to the shoe store and let her pick out her own shoes?  Well, here's the pair she picked out:

She also helped herself to that purse she's holding.  It wasn't pretty when I told her that I wasn't going to buy it for her.  I won't lie.

Mostly we stayed in for dinner, but by Thursday I was tired, so we went to Panera and had grilled cheese and yogurt for dinner.  Very well rounded.

I think it's clear from the pictures we had a good time and did all right for ourselves.  However, as you can see from the next pictures, nothing is as good as having you home.

P.S. GIVEAWAY WINNER is Rachel!  Thank you for all who left a comment!  I know I said that I was going to pick who the winner was, but after I read them I couldn't decide, so I went to a website called and plugged in a little equation and it decided it for me. So congratulations, Rachel!  I'll give you the details in an email.

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