Friday, January 7, 2011

As A Dog

I'm not going to go into all the details, because when people write posts about how sick they are then I think I'm getting sick too.  But I will just say that I believe my temperature was 425 two days ago.  Also, my head swelled up to the size of a Macy's Day Parade balloon. Try having a conversation with the nurse when those are your symptoms.  "Hello? Yes, I have a 425 degree temperature and my head doesn't fit into my house.  Do you have something I can take for that?"

Anyway, I am doing better but not enough to tell you what's going on with the H's.  That's because, for the past six days, Jesse has been taking full care of them.  (I think we should call him St. Jesse, actually.)  I also can't form sentences all that great because I have not had any coffee for like 5 days. This is not good.  Not good at all.

So here's what we're gonna do.  Since it's the New Year, I thought I'd create a Top 10 list of my favorite posts from 2010.  That way, I don't have to use more braincells then I absolutely have to, and another bonus is that I can focus on what great times the Feyen family had in 2010.  Because so far, 2011, for Callie anyway, has not gone well. 

1. Crafty Schmafty "These projects are designed to do with your children, so you'd think I could manage them.  And actually, I think I could manage them.  Except I start reading the directions and I end up calling Jesse at work to ask him if he knows what a 'whip stitch' is."

2. Hanging Out at the White House "It was like being at a fair except you're on the lawn of the White House. THE WHITE HOUSE!"

3.Rewind Our trip to Leesburg, and my confession about enjoying to sit down as much as possible (also known as how Harper got her nose busted a l'il bit).

4. Caterpillar Drama  I don't think a lot of people who know the story will want to read this post, but if you look at the stats (and some people in my family respect statistics), this one is the one that gets a lot o' hits.

5. Take Me Out to the Ballgame A very fun afternoon.

6. It's Funny Now "It wasn't pretty, I won't lie. Do you know that lips bleed a lot? No? They do. A lot. Luckily, Hadley went to get her doctor's kit that we got her for Christmas and told me she knew "just what to do" while Harper was screaming and blood was everywhere. So the three of us were in the bathroom, me holding Harper trying to wipe blood from her face, and Hadley, standing on her little step stool, pulling out her stethescope, trying to find Harper's heartbeat."

"We went shopping for birthday presents on Saturday and apparently went to the wrong store. All we needed to do was buy different pieces of PVC pipe and throw them in cardboard boxes and we're golden. Hadley and Harper made telescopes, whistles, snakes, all sorts of things while Jesse looked for a little piece that was going to help him install the washer.
I stood by very patiently and didn't worry at all about when I will be able to wash my underwear again."

You know what?  I'm wiped out.  All I can manage is seven, guys.  Maybe you can decide on the last three.  What are your favorite Hadley and Harper memories?  Help a sick lady out.  in the meantime, I'm going to go take a nap....if only I could find a pillow big enough for my head.


mcscholt said...

We're 3 for 3 sick here at the Scholten house, and our extensive research indicates that coffee improves nasal flow.

I'm not a doctor yet, but trust me on this one...

Callie said...

That sounds good soon to be Dr. S. I will make myself some right now. The only problem is that I cannot taste it. That is very, very sad.

I hope you all feel better soon!

Mallory said...

hmm, I thank the H's for my sickness this past week. =]

Ooo, one of my favorite posts of 2010 was recent but made me laugh so hard. It was the "Hadley's first 'Big Girl' play date" post.
What can I say...Caffeine is one kickass name. =]

Callie said...

Ooooo, Mallory, so sorry you are sick! And sorry that we are the ones who got you sick! I hope you feel better soon.

I agree that caffeine is a fine nickname for me. :)

Mallory said...

oh it wasn't a big deal, I didn't get that sick. just a minor cold. :)